In a galaxy governed by a powerful alliance, wizards and mages are the guardians of peace, wielding extraordinary magic and the unique power known as the "Voice." This ability, unlike ordinary spells, is deeply personal and irreplicable, marking its possessor with singular prowess.
However, the universe is in turmoil. The death of the Alliance's greatest hero, Kayn, at the hands of the ruthless Demon Lord, has left a gaping void in the leadership and threatened the fragile order. Amidst this chaos, a diverse group of young cadets from the prestigious Sorna Military Academy is thrust into the forefront of a looming conflict.
As these recruits face rigorous training and their first daunting missions, they must navigate personal rivalries, unveil secretive agendas, and confront a rising demonic threat. Their journey will take them across the galaxy, facing treacherous enemies and uncovering the secrets behind the coveted "Military."
Will they be able to rise above their challenges and fill the void left by Kayn's death? Can they prevent the Alliance from splintering under the weight of war and internal strife?
New chapters are released regularly, so dive into the action and witness the rise of a new generation of heroes!