Chapter 24 - The Office Job | Chapter 23: Otherworld
Author's Note
Edward Eidolon
Thanks for reading!
This is the end of The Office Job, the first book of the series. You can think of each book as an arc, with each Volume of Mandala containing around eight books. I have roughly eight volumes planned right now, to give you an idea of how far this story will go.
The next book in Volume 1, In the Beginning, takes place mostly before The Office Job, and explains what the hell is going on. I wanted to start the series in the midst of things to let you know what to expect.
Check out the official website at, and sign up for my newsletter for a free book, updates, character write-ups and more.
Special thanks to Audrey Sapper for beta reading and providing invaluable feedback on The Office Job.
Now strap in. It's gonna get wild. Next time: Michael opens the door, but Gradie steps through.
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